Sunday, January 16, 2011

The best day ever

That was yesterday. I ran 9 miles and it was AWESOME. First off, my knee didn't hurt. And that was AWESOME. I'm finding I can eke a few more miles out of my knee if I go really slow. And let me tell you something about running slow. It's AWESOME.

I had the highest of runners' highs. I've heard people say you're running too fast if you can't talk and too slow if you can sing. Well, I could sing. I know this because I actually did a few times when a good song came on. I was just so happy! So happy I could have cried. A few tears might have even leaked out in front of the Taco Bell while I was waiting for the light to change. (Don't tell.) Endorphins and good music - that's one lethal combination.

But wait, that's not all! Jason and I celebrated one year of marriage last night. This year has flown by and I can't believe our anniversary is already here. We had such a great time eating, drinking and, of course, enjoying the best of company.


  1. Yay on the run and Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy anniversary! What a wonderful treat to have such a great run.

  3. A great run and a PBR? Happy Anniversary indeed!

  4. Thanks for finding our blog & happy anniversary! Also, congrats on the 9 miles! Running slow is awesome, especially after being off from injury (which is what I am doing now!) I need some running endorphins soon!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!! Sounds like a GREAT day :)

  6. Happy anniversary! How has it already been a year?!

  7. Congrats on the awesome run and happy anniversary! :)

  8. Nine miles and no knee pain?! I'll take it!!!

    And happy anniversary :)

  9. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! NO KNEE PAIN....that makes me so so happy! Great run and I am so happy you had the RUNNERS HIGH!! Have a great day!

  10. Nothing better than a runner's high, except PBR of course. Happy Anniversary! Cheers to many many many more.

  11. haha, love that picture with the eyes peering through! Happy anniversary!

  12. Happy anniversary! That wasn't a good enough reason to cancel a run?!
